The Pringle Family
Friday, July 20, 2012
Monday, July 11, 2011
Summer, summer, summer time
Of course with a new baby and the fun festivities of summer our blog has lacked a little. Here are a few things we've been up to lately. Note the picture and video quality isn't great. All of these pictures and videos were taken on my phone.
Oakley has taken to the water like the little half fish, half tasmanian devil she is. Today our friend Pam kindly let us invade her swimming pool. When we first got there Oakley was a little fearful and needed someone to hold her but by the end she was jumping into the pool herself and swimming all over the place. She even told me "NO" when I later tried to hold her and help her in and out of the pool. I don't think determined is a strong enough word to describe this little two year old!
Oakley climbing around on a rope jungle gym at the Ithaca Science Center. She made it all the way to the top!

Oakley's "happy face"

Oakley and Hayden riding the log ride at the zoo

Here's my little angel. Ethan is really the best baby. He's so smiley and just goes with the flow. He can even nap when Oakley is screaming right next to him. He has given me a new love of babies.

Ethan is definitely a momma's boy. He wants to see me all the time and really loves to be held. He's pretty content to sit in the bumbo and watch me cook.

He's been rolling from tummy to back for about a month now and is very close to doing the reverse. And just like is sister, he's already hooked to the TV.

All of us watching the fireworks on the 4th. Oakley was so enthralled, she actually sat still for 20 minutes!
Oakley has taken to the water like the little half fish, half tasmanian devil she is. Today our friend Pam kindly let us invade her swimming pool. When we first got there Oakley was a little fearful and needed someone to hold her but by the end she was jumping into the pool herself and swimming all over the place. She even told me "NO" when I later tried to hold her and help her in and out of the pool. I don't think determined is a strong enough word to describe this little two year old!
Oakley climbing around on a rope jungle gym at the Ithaca Science Center. She made it all the way to the top!

Oakley's "happy face"

Oakley and Hayden riding the log ride at the zoo

Here's my little angel. Ethan is really the best baby. He's so smiley and just goes with the flow. He can even nap when Oakley is screaming right next to him. He has given me a new love of babies.

Ethan is definitely a momma's boy. He wants to see me all the time and really loves to be held. He's pretty content to sit in the bumbo and watch me cook.

He's been rolling from tummy to back for about a month now and is very close to doing the reverse. And just like is sister, he's already hooked to the TV.

All of us watching the fireworks on the 4th. Oakley was so enthralled, she actually sat still for 20 minutes!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
stuck in a rut
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Ethan's First Photo Shoot
Here are some cute pictures my talented friend Carlee took of Ethan at two weeks. Isn't he just the cutest?

Two week update:
For now Ethan's been an almost perfect baby- for now. He took to nursing without any objections. In fact, eating is his favorite pass time and can down as much as 7 oz at a feeding, bottle or boob. At his two week appointment he weighed 8 lbs 9 oz, gaining a whole pound above his birth weight. His nighttime schedule is an 11pm feeding, followed by a 4 am one and then he wakes up around 8 or 9am. I know, I am the luckiest person ever (for now). My only complaint about this little guy is not how long he sleeps but how he sleeps; which is in bed with mom and dad. I do love holding my snugly little newborn all night long but is doesn't make for very sound sleep.
Oakley absolutely loves her little brother. She always asks to hold him and is constantly letting me know where he is. She always tells me when he's crying and gives him lots of big, tight hugs and slobbery kisses. She enjoyed lots of attention from Grandma, who she lovingly refers to as "baga", during my mom's two week stay. Today was our first day on our own and we all miss "baga", especially Oakley who keeps asking about her.
Ok, more pictures:)

Two week update:
For now Ethan's been an almost perfect baby- for now. He took to nursing without any objections. In fact, eating is his favorite pass time and can down as much as 7 oz at a feeding, bottle or boob. At his two week appointment he weighed 8 lbs 9 oz, gaining a whole pound above his birth weight. His nighttime schedule is an 11pm feeding, followed by a 4 am one and then he wakes up around 8 or 9am. I know, I am the luckiest person ever (for now). My only complaint about this little guy is not how long he sleeps but how he sleeps; which is in bed with mom and dad. I do love holding my snugly little newborn all night long but is doesn't make for very sound sleep.
Oakley absolutely loves her little brother. She always asks to hold him and is constantly letting me know where he is. She always tells me when he's crying and gives him lots of big, tight hugs and slobbery kisses. She enjoyed lots of attention from Grandma, who she lovingly refers to as "baga", during my mom's two week stay. Today was our first day on our own and we all miss "baga", especially Oakley who keeps asking about her.
Ok, more pictures:)

Sunday, March 13, 2011
The New Arrival
Its been one week since I went into labor and I'm just now getting pictures up- sorry!!
Ethan David Pringle
Born: 3/7/11 @ 4:27pm
Weighing 7 lbs 8 oz and measuring 20 1/2" long
The Story:
Saturday Night- I started having 5 min contractions that were hurting more than normal. I panicked, called a babysitter, called Dave's parents to come down the next day and of course...NOTHING!! Sunday night (9pm) rolls around and I start having hard contractions every 15 to 20 minutes. I brushed it off since my preparations the night before were in vain. Around midnight they were every 10 min but I told myself they were going away just like the night before and I went to bed anyway. Sleeping was hopeless, I lay awake as the contractions got closer and closer and at 3am they were every 5 minutes. I decided it was time to inform Dave of our upcoming plans. Around 4:30 they started coming every 3 minutes and we finally decided it was time to find a babysitter and go to the hospital.
We get to the hospital and I'm already dilated to a 6!! It was at that point that I accepted I was really going to have this baby. I was in complete shock!! I really, really didn't expect to go early. I felt really lucky and totally unprepared! Back to the hospital: I kept telling myself (and other people) that I was going to try to have this baby "all natural" (aka no epidural) but I completely ate my words. I got the the hospital begging for an epidural, I couldn't kissed the anesthesiologist! I seriously admire any of you who have gone the "all natural" route but a part of me also thinks your crazy:) So around 7am I was dilated to an 8 and very thankfully got my epidural. It was amazing, I highly recommend it. From 7 to 1pm I dilated, slept, and waited for Ethan to drop down a little more. At 1pm I started pushing... at this point I was on a pretty big high. Everything had gone so fast and so perfectly up to this point. I figured a half hour of pushing and it would all be over. I was making bets with Dave saying he'd be out by 2pm. So I pushed and pushed and pushed. 3pm rolls around and I was almost begging for a c-section. At that point it was too late, he had dropped to about a +2 and was ever so slowly progressing.The midwife had a specialist come and give his opinion since I was having a VBAC and he kindly told me that I could be successful at my VBAC attempt but it would take a WHOLE lot of effort and pushing on my part. So any of you lucky people who only have to push once or for like a half hour, just don't tell me- I don't want to hate you:) I finally decided to give myself a little extra dose of my epidural and let me tell you, I felt like a new woman. I even told myself I could probably push for another two hours. I practically did. I pushed for another hour and a half!! And finally after an episiotomy and a 2nd degree tear, Ethan made his way out. Words cannot describe how amazing it was to be able to hold him right away while they cleaned him off in my arms. I heard his first cry, watched them weigh and measure him and saw Dave hold him for the first time. I completely missed all of that with Oakley. All of the pain and the 3 1/2 hours of pushing were completely worth that experience.
Now for the pictures:
One last preggo picture at the hospital. (Yes, I look awful but I had been awake with contractions all night.)

Here he is!!

The token 'I look like hell but I'm so excited bc I just had a baby' picture.

Ethan and his daddy.

All clean and snugly.

Oakley's first visit to the hospital with Dave's mom.

One little skeptical look but besides that Oakley didn't pay much attention to Ethan.

Ethan and mommy

And another picture of this little guy. He has the cutest blond hair!!
Ethan David Pringle
Born: 3/7/11 @ 4:27pm
Weighing 7 lbs 8 oz and measuring 20 1/2" long
The Story:
Saturday Night- I started having 5 min contractions that were hurting more than normal. I panicked, called a babysitter, called Dave's parents to come down the next day and of course...NOTHING!! Sunday night (9pm) rolls around and I start having hard contractions every 15 to 20 minutes. I brushed it off since my preparations the night before were in vain. Around midnight they were every 10 min but I told myself they were going away just like the night before and I went to bed anyway. Sleeping was hopeless, I lay awake as the contractions got closer and closer and at 3am they were every 5 minutes. I decided it was time to inform Dave of our upcoming plans. Around 4:30 they started coming every 3 minutes and we finally decided it was time to find a babysitter and go to the hospital.
We get to the hospital and I'm already dilated to a 6!! It was at that point that I accepted I was really going to have this baby. I was in complete shock!! I really, really didn't expect to go early. I felt really lucky and totally unprepared! Back to the hospital: I kept telling myself (and other people) that I was going to try to have this baby "all natural" (aka no epidural) but I completely ate my words. I got the the hospital begging for an epidural, I couldn't kissed the anesthesiologist! I seriously admire any of you who have gone the "all natural" route but a part of me also thinks your crazy:) So around 7am I was dilated to an 8 and very thankfully got my epidural. It was amazing, I highly recommend it. From 7 to 1pm I dilated, slept, and waited for Ethan to drop down a little more. At 1pm I started pushing... at this point I was on a pretty big high. Everything had gone so fast and so perfectly up to this point. I figured a half hour of pushing and it would all be over. I was making bets with Dave saying he'd be out by 2pm. So I pushed and pushed and pushed. 3pm rolls around and I was almost begging for a c-section. At that point it was too late, he had dropped to about a +2 and was ever so slowly progressing.The midwife had a specialist come and give his opinion since I was having a VBAC and he kindly told me that I could be successful at my VBAC attempt but it would take a WHOLE lot of effort and pushing on my part. So any of you lucky people who only have to push once or for like a half hour, just don't tell me- I don't want to hate you:) I finally decided to give myself a little extra dose of my epidural and let me tell you, I felt like a new woman. I even told myself I could probably push for another two hours. I practically did. I pushed for another hour and a half!! And finally after an episiotomy and a 2nd degree tear, Ethan made his way out. Words cannot describe how amazing it was to be able to hold him right away while they cleaned him off in my arms. I heard his first cry, watched them weigh and measure him and saw Dave hold him for the first time. I completely missed all of that with Oakley. All of the pain and the 3 1/2 hours of pushing were completely worth that experience.
Now for the pictures:
One last preggo picture at the hospital. (Yes, I look awful but I had been awake with contractions all night.)

Here he is!!

The token 'I look like hell but I'm so excited bc I just had a baby' picture.

Ethan and his daddy.

All clean and snugly.

Oakley's first visit to the hospital with Dave's mom.

One little skeptical look but besides that Oakley didn't pay much attention to Ethan.

Ethan and mommy

And another picture of this little guy. He has the cutest blond hair!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Christmas Pictures- just a little over due
Here are some pictures from Christmas that I've been meaning to post forever. Pregnancy and a toddler have kept me especially distracted.
Here's Oakley with a bucket o' farm animals from Grandpa. She was sooo excited and still loves playing with them to this day.

Here she's opening a 'Thomas the Train' set. She's also a huge Thomas fan.

This was our trip to the mall to see Santa. Unfortunately Santa is not recession proof- $25 is a little too steep for me. So we settled for the $2.50 Christmas train ride, twice. She absolutely loved it!!

Much to my surprise she actually stayed in her seat the whole time.

More posts to come, I promise. Blogging is one thing I can do while hugely pregnant and sitting on the couch!
Here's Oakley with a bucket o' farm animals from Grandpa. She was sooo excited and still loves playing with them to this day.

Here she's opening a 'Thomas the Train' set. She's also a huge Thomas fan.

This was our trip to the mall to see Santa. Unfortunately Santa is not recession proof- $25 is a little too steep for me. So we settled for the $2.50 Christmas train ride, twice. She absolutely loved it!!

Much to my surprise she actually stayed in her seat the whole time.

More posts to come, I promise. Blogging is one thing I can do while hugely pregnant and sitting on the couch!
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