Okay quick update: Oakley is EVERYWHERE!! Walking along furniture, knee crawling, pulling herself up and standing by herself but NOT walking. Kind of a bummer because I'm not really okay with the idea of letting my child crawl just anywhere and she is just so busy/hates being held. She's been doing all sorts of new tricks. She can wave, clap, and throw her Binky at least 15 feet across a room. (She almost clocked someone in church with it the other week) She's finally sleeping through the night and has been for a couple months and *sniff* just stopped nursing. I'm a little sad but enjoying my new found freedom.
Little Miss Skeptical...
Not a carrot fan.
Dave and I have been LOVING this amazing weather and have taken Oakley for several bike rides and runs. I love how the minute that spring begins everyone has such good intentions. Everywhere you go you see people running, biking, etc. I always wonder at what point do we start taking the good weather for granted and end up spending summer days shut in our homes. (At least I do!) Tangent...sorry.
Little trip to the Carnegie Science Center with some friends.
I have finally fulfilled my new years goal of volunteering for a better cause, at least for this month. After a month of delays I was able to help the Pittsburgh Food Bank distribute food to those in need last Saturday. The whole experience was fun, interesting and definitely eye opening. After being on Food Stamps and Medicaid, I'd thought that I had seen my share of poverty. Well, it really doesn't compare. The place we went to was the most run down, ghetto place I'd ever been to in Pittsburgh. The people that came were all different types but most were in good spirits and made the whole experience rewarding. Its going to be a tradition for me every 4th Saturday of the month. I'm looking forward to being a part of something outside of being a mom.