Saturday, November 1, 2008

Baby Pics

I'd like to think the baby was sucking his/her thumb, cute!

This is the baby's face, apparently we're having an alien.

This post is long over due. In my defense the last month has been spent in a haze of sleepiness. I can't complain too much about pregnancy. I haven't had any morning sickness and the nausea really isn't that bad. But, I have been unbelievably tired. My days are spent trying to stay awake at work, coming home and taking a 2 hour nap, and then going to bed. I'm 15 weeks along and I think I'm finally getting out of my slump.

So here's an update of what I can recall from my hazy memory... The only news I can really report is a pregnancy complication I have. Don't worry- I've been told its not too big of a deal. I found out after a scare took me on a little trip to the ER that I have placenta previa. The good part was I had an ultrasound and I will have several more to see if the condition clears up. (Let me tell you, this little guy's a kicker!) I won't go into all the little details but the point is that baby's fine and most cases clear up as the baby grows. The real problem is if the condition doesn't go away (only 10% of cases). So I'm just interested if anyone else has had this and if there's anything I should know. At least I'll have lots of ultrasound pictures to post!


Amy said...

You sound just like I did when I was pregnant with Owen. I was SO incredibly tired like you. Don't worry about the lack of posts, get some rest girl! I hope the placenta previa clears up. I didn't know that it could. I thought that once you had it that you would have it the entire pregnancy. I'm glad there's hope for it to go away.

I think it's a boy (not to disappoint you)!

Jessica said...

Oh, he/she/it looks just like you! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi there and congratulations on the baby:) I ran across your blog because I also have placenta previa at 26 weeks and had a bleed today. I found out about mine around 12 weeks and mine hasn't moved. (Don't mean to scare you-most do move.) Just try to take it easy as much as you can. You're welcome to check out my blog anytime and I'm sure I'll pop by yours once in a while!

Harmony said...

At how many weeks were these pics taken?

Michele said...

Sorry to hear about the complications...I never had it so I can offer no insight. Take it easy. My guess is a GIRL!