Mount St. Helen's
Seattle (And No, I didn't wear the same shirt two days in a row, we really did it all in one day!)
The Pringles- not us, Dave's parents
Seattle Temple- again same really long day!
The Japanese Gardens in Portland- my favorite part of the trip!
Japanese Gardens again, which by the way are not stroller friendly, we found that out the hard way!
Dave's dad taking a picture at Cannon beach. I guess this rock is in the movie "Goonies" which I admit I've never seen. I know, I was a deprived child!
Fort Stevens- and the kid in the red coat would not get out of the picture so I got impatient and just took it!
This was at a restaurant. Oakley fell asleep in my arms pulling her little hat down like this, so stinking cute!!
And the verdict was.... 1- Portland 1- East Coast. I really loved it, every bit of it and I could totally picture myself living there. Dave was almost sold until we got to the beach. He was soooo disappointed that the ocean was freezing cold and pretty much unswimable. I admit east coast beaches are a lot more fun but west coast beaches are so beautiful. Anyway I had told him many times that the ocean was cold out west but he thought I was just being a wimp. And he made the comment "I don't understand what all those people from California are bragging about, west coast beaches stink!". I thought that was pretty funny since most of the people I know from California are always talking up the beaches. No hard feelings west coasters but our beaches here win by a landslide!