So, I have really hated blogging lately. Maybe its the lack of sleep, the baby tugging at my pant legs, or the fact that it takes way more time than I'm willing to give. Luckily, I have found myself with a bit of extra time on my hands since I've been
SNOWED IN for the last four days. Which is probably where all my extra sarcasm is coming from. OK, trying to be positive… ( Oh and its snowing AGAIN!!)

Oakley Updates:
She started army crawling about two weeks ago, which has made both of us much happier. She's pulled herself up on a few things, including the bathtub ledge (scary!). I've realized this happy period of only baby-proofing the house to ankle-biter standard won't last long. Plus, all she wants to do is walk holding my hands and walk along furniture. My dreams of a content crawling baby are quickly fading away! Lastly, she's getting her top teeth in meaning lots of sleepless nights for both of us. Oakley turned 9 months old today and is in the 95% for height and 75% for weight.

We were so excited to have my dad and brother, Aaron all the way from Germany, come to visit last weekend. We had grand plans of going to museums, movies, dinners but found ourselves spending the weekend taking turns shoveling
24" of snow off our cars, driveway and street! (Yes I said street, no snow plow has ever attempted to come down our cobblestone road.) We did enjoy some yummy meals Dave prepared, movies and playing games. Cabin fever isn't nearly as bad if you have more people to spend it with.

The Oakster munching on some snow.

A little collage of "snowmageddon".
(That only took me an hour to put together and you can't even read it, another reason I hate blogging.)
Other news:
I finally finished a project I've been working on for months, Christmas Stockings. A little too late but I will definitely enjoy them next year when I'm working on my matching table runner and tree skirt. Luckily those projects won't involve handmade bias tape which was a "fun learning experience".