Thursday, August 27, 2009

Secret Weapon

Oakley has been up to her cute little antics as usual. Her adorable smile and dimples are charming old ladies at grocery stores across Pittsburgh. She still loves to watch T.V. This morning I caught her on her play mat at a half roll (from back to tummy!) with her head cocked just so she could see the TV. Can you blame her though, Ellen was on. She's also dead set against any type of napping schedule that I've tried to put her on. So I've thrown in the towel (and a few books) and I let her do what she wants. That's right, I'm denouncing BabyWise! But ever since we've come to terms she's decided to sleep in until 8 or 9am which makes us both a lot happier. (Take that BabyWise!) Her latest and greatest trick is her giggle, its her secret weapon to make daddy and mommy play with her instead of putting her to bed. This may be Gods way of trying to convince me to have more children. Sorry, after my labor experience you're going to have to try a lot harder than that! (like helping me drop those last 10 lbs!) And here is that adorable little giggle for you to enjoy: (I know, she's only in a diaper but she managed to puke on 5 outfits in a row and then all of a sudden be adorable.)



Jessica said...

That's utterly precious -- how can you not have more babies after that?

Brooklet said...

Oh, I giggled my way through the video, too! She is so adorable!

BusyMama said...

Oh my gosh, I want to squeeze her!

Atherly Family said...

Isn't it funny how you'll do anything to make your kids laugh! I want to nibble on her dimples! PS, who the heck told you about baby wise.... didn't you know it sucks!! You have to go with the flow and take cues from Oakley. That's the only way she and more importantly YOU will be happy!

Tyson and Rachelle said...

Glad you got your video posted! I love baby giggles!!

Pitcherpost said...

lol - I'm probably the one who told you about babywise! I hope it came across as only a suggestion of one of many possible methods to use, it worked perfectly for aubrey and me, but by no means would I ever say that it's "the" method for every baby. It's not important what you use, just as long as you use one that works for you! It was such a relief when I found a way that worked for us, I finally felt like I had the hang of things, so I'm glad you found what worked for you guys!

Oh how I love those first giggles, it just gets more and more fun from here on out! I'm glad you shared that cute video!

Elise said...

Mel- you were only one of the hundreds of people who recommended Babywise. (Okay maybe not hundreds) Babywise did work for Oakley's first three months and then it left me wondering what I was doing wrong. Anyway, I've decided that its time to take some hints from Oakley. She's a pretty smart baby. But I do appreciate the advice, maybe I'll revisit the whole Babywise theory in a few months.