Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Beware the Toddler

My little baby turned into a toddler overnight! Here's a little video montage Dave put together of her first day of becoming an upright mover.

A few things to note about Oakley. She can sign 'more'. I'm pretty sure she's saying "mama", "daga" (doggies) and "dada" but I'm not completely convinced. She is such a drama queen, she gets offended very easily when a toy is taken away or if she has a little tiny fall. (Probably because she knows momma reads her a story to calm her down.) She'll eat just about anything including dust bunnies. And she's seriously attached to me right now which I love and hate at the same time.


laura said...

Wow! I can't believe that she is already walking. Good luck! We are excited to see you guys again soon.

Jessica said...

She's sooooo cute! Hilarious video -- way to go, Dave. We are totally counting the days until we see you and Oakley.

NJ said...

She's such a doll! I just told Tyler, "Oakley's walking!" and he said, "Already?! She's progressing so fast!" :)

Meredith said...

it is so fun to see what Oakley is doing since Keri is just a month behind! It seems to me too like all the sudden, my baby is grown up! Sad, but also very fun.

Jana said...

She is huge. I can't believe she is walking all over. I hate missing all these fun things in each other's lives!!

The Dorny Family said...

...and she's walking even better than that now. I am very impressed with her skills!

Harmony said...

She's adorable! That video was so funny with the music. Cute. Can't wait to see her again.